Misconceptions About Manifestation

As manifestation has increased in popularity, misconceptions about it have sprung up and been spread around the world by word of mouth and the internet. Before going any further, it is necessary to address the most common of those misconceptions, so you know the truth.

It Is Purely Passive

For some reason, one of the most prevalent myths about manifestation is that it is a purely passive process. Perhaps this misconception springs from the fact that most of manifesting does not look like the traditional concept of “hard work.”

That is nonsense, of course. Manifesting may involve a lot of thinking, but thinking is work and is an active process that consumes a lot of energy. You also have to combine the thinking parts of manifestation with effort to achieve what you want, which is also the opposite of passive.

Manifestation Provides Instant Gratification

This misconception has been spread deliberately by people trying to convince others they can get rich quick (or whatever their heart’s desire is, but it usually involves money) if only they will pay the conman’s price.

Unfortunately, once a myth is created it often takes on a life of its own and that is what happened here. Manifestation takes time. The more complex the thing you are manifesting is, the longer it takes.

You Can Use it for Many Things at Once

While you can use manifestation for a couple of things at a time, using it for too many will dilute your efforts and can cause you to fail at manifesting anything at all. Choose a couple of things you want and focus on them, then move on to other things on your list once you have succeeded with the first two.

Manifestation Is All About Material Things

Another prevalent (and persistent) myth about manifestation is that you can only use it for material things. Money. Homes. Cars. All of the status symbols people crave, but not things that cannot be quantified and weighed.

This is also nonsense. While it may be harder to manifest things such as love and friendship, you can do so. You have to follow the same process, believe in it wholeheartedly, and be willing to accept a result that might look slightly different than the one you expected, but you can do it if that is what you want.

You can manifest anything -if you work at it hard enough.


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