Deal With Your Limiting Beliefs

Every person has limiting beliefs. It is an unavoidable part of being human. As part of the manifestation process, however, you are going to have to get over the limiting beliefs that stand between yourself and what you are trying to manifest.

A limiting belief is something you believe, usually unconsciously, about yourself or the world that limits or restricts you. These beliefs keep you from doing things you want to do or achieving your goals. Here is the irony: limiting beliefs are always false. The things you believe that are holding you back are wrong!

Limiting beliefs are caused by fear. They are the way your unconscious mind tries to protect you from something it sees as harmful. It cannot distinguish between protecting you from a charging bull and protecting yourself from embarrassment and sometimes erects similar barriers to protect you from both.

The first step to dealing with limiting beliefs is to identify them. Look for thoughts or expressions you use frequently that are limiting about yourself or the world. Examples include “I can’t do that,” “I’m too old/young for that,” “I’m not good enough,” “No one likes me,” and “No one can be trusted.”

Write these beliefs down as you discover them. Are they always accurate? No, of course not! Create some positive affirmations to help you get over the most common of them. Use these multiple times a day to help you overcome them. Make yourself try to do some of the things you think you cannot do.

Your mind is going to rebel and try to convince you to go back to the old limiting beliefs. Do not let it. Keep going and trying to implement your new beliefs. Even if you do experience some failures, do not give up. Keep trying.

If you encounter some deeply held limiting beliefs that do not respond to this method, you can add in other methods, such as journaling, support groups, or therapy. Some limiting beliefs need these more aggressive treatments. The most important thing is that you keep trying to get over these beliefs.

Getting over the limiting beliefs that stand between you and your desires is a key part of successfully manifesting your desires. As long as you hold the limiting beliefs, you will not allow yourself to manifest what you want. This makes it vital that you do whatever needs to be done to overcome them.


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